Participate in: “Rosadigitale for Code Week!”

Take part in Code Week with Rosadigitale! "Rosadigitale for Code Week" is an online event to raise awareness of gender equal opportunities in the technological field organized on the occasion of Code Week by the team of Rosadigitale and No. 1 Don Lorenzo Milani institute of La Spezia. Schools of all levels and individuals can participate by freely modifying or enriching the project created on the Scratch site. You can remix by adding a simple photo, sentence, music/song that characteriz...

Interview of Lynn Johnson: photographer On March 7th, Liliana de los Rios, International Representative and Sara Broi, President and Founder of Rosadigitale had the pleasure of interviewing Lynn Johnson an American photographer who works for National Geographic. Transcription of the interview of Lynn Johnson. Who is Lynn Johnson? So, um my name is Lynn Johnson and I have been a photographer for wow um almost 40 years and um much of that time I have worked for magazines. I started wor...

International Event: “Remix your Rose Petal in Rosadigitale”

From today, February 18th until March 31, 2018, starts the online event titled “Remix your Rose Petal in Rosadigitale”, organised in occasion of “Rosadigitale Week”. The initiative of Isa1 of La Spezia: “Remix your Rose Petal in Rosadigitale with Scratch”, in care of Patrizia La Rocca, is addressed to all orders of schools and media partners either Italian or Foreign who would like to offer to participate with this initiative. You must connect to the Scratch programming environment and...